Order picking
Order picking for online shop fulfilment
Order picking is one of the most important aspects of e-fulfilment. At LDC, we make sure all orders are carefully and efficiently picked. Products are weighed, carefully inspected and securely packaged before being shipping out.
Our unique Autostore system makes the order picking process extremely efficient. This system consists of a framework in which all products are stored securely and dust-free in plastic bins. As soon as an order comes in, Autostore robots drive across the framework and retrieve the right bins.
The Autostore robots deliver the bins to our operators, who can then easily take the right products out of the bins. Our approach ensures products are ready for further processing in record time and the entire order picking process takes as little time as possible.
Here's how order picking works at LDC
The Autostore system provides a fast and efficient solution for order picking;
For non-breakable products, LDC also uses an AI-controlled picking robot;
Products with a barcode are scanned; for products without a barcode, the storage location is scanned instead;
Next, all orders are weighed. We make sure the actual weight matches the calculated weight;
During the weighing process, a picture is taken of the basket in which the order has been collected. We call this the Basketpic. These pictures can be sent in real time to consumers via email;
The order is completed and ready for shipping.
Our clients are kept up to date on the entire order picking process because they can request and download online picking reports. The smart Autostore system and the various inspections along the way ensure picking errors are exceedingly rare. LDC therefore offers its clients contractual guarantees with regard to picking errors (SLA).
Would you like to know more about the order picking process for online shop fulfilment and the benefits of LDC's approach? Take a look at our general e-fulfilment page or contact us directly for more information.